David Hancock enjoys working in the water and will often use an underwater housing to capture images that compliment his corporate and editorial work.
David’s pleasure in the water extends to taking pictures of others enjoying this aquatic environment; his work includes shooting in swimming pools, the sea and outback waterholes.
To date, he has participated in several exhibitions including “Women Who Get Wet”, a joint exhibition with fellow Top End photographer Therese Ritchie. The couple exhibited at Gallery TwoSix in Darwin and the work featured Ritchie’s portraits out of the water and David Hancock’s work in the water.
David Hancock can provide a water shoot for couples who take up his wedding packages; he also photographs pregnant women in the water with their partners, or post-birth images with their babies or children.
David Hancock is always keen to develop his underwater and aquatic photography skills and is open to any suggestions from clients.

For package details contact David on
0419 884388 or email:
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